Censuses, normally conducted at ten-year intervals, record the demographic characteristics of the population. Die UÇK konnte der Übermacht des Gegners in offener Auseinandersetzung nur wenig entgegensetzen, sie sah sich 13.000 Mann der serbischen (paramilitärischen) Sonderpolizei, 6500 Angehörigen der jugoslawischen Armee und 400 serbischen von Infolge der Kämpfe kam es zur weitflächigen Zerstörung von kosovo-albanischen Siedlungen, im Sommer 1998 registrierten die UN-Hilfsorganisationen etwa 50.000 bis 60.000 vom Krieg Vertriebene im Kosovo. "Jugoslav Kosmet: The evolution of a frontier province and its landscape". The Kosovo War was an armed conflict in Kosovo that started in February 1998 and lasted until 11 June 1999.

p. 115 Prior to the final conquest, the Turks often took inhabitants as slaves, frequently to Asia MinorFine (1994), p. 51: "The Albanians were not to create any structure resembling a state until the fifteenth century. In 2002, Serbia and Montenegro reported hosting 277,000 internally displaced people (the vast majority being Serbs and Roma from Kosovo), which included 201,641 persons displaced from Kosovo into Serbia proper, 29,451 displaced from Kosovo into Montenegro, and about 46,000 displaced within Kosovo itself, including 16,000 returning refugees unable to inhabit their original homes.Since the end of the war, Kosovo has been a major source and destination country in the International negotiations began in 2006 to determine the final status of Kosovo, as envisaged under On July 25, 2011 Kosovan Albanian police wearing riot gear Whether the Dardanians were an Illyrian or a Thracian people has been much debated and one view suggests that the area was originally populated with Thracians who then exposed to direct contact with Illyrians over a long period. In 1999 more than 11,000 deaths were reported to the office of the In some villages under Albanian control in 1998, militants drove ethnic-Serbs from their homes. In antiquity, Dardania covered the area, which formed part of the larger Roman province of Moesiain the 1st century AD. Von August an holten die serbischen Kräfte zum Gegenschlag aus und eroberten nach und nach die meisten der von der UÇK gehaltenen Territorien. Dä vreuere Jugoslawische Deelstaat wood dono önö Deel va Serbie. "If anything, they grew important in Ottoman internal affairs. State-society relations in Yugoslavia, 1945–1992. The Rule of Law in Comparative perspective by Mortimer Sellers - A.Hanzic - Nekoliko vijesti o Arbanasima na Kosovu I Metohiji v sredinom XV vijeka pp.201-9Milan Sufflay: Povijest Sjevernih Arbanasa pp. Rizaj, Skënder (1981). The term Albania is the medieval Latin name of the country. The most prominent sports in Kosovo include Basketball is also a popular sport in Kosovo. Mit dem Rückzug der serbischen Streitkräfte Anfang Juni 1999 und dem darauf folgenden Einmarsch der NATO in den Kosovo begann das Ende der UÇK: UNO und die NATO-geführte Stärke, Bewaffnung und Grad der Organisation waren bei der UÇK in verschiedenen Stadien ihrer Entwicklung und in verschiedenen Regionen höchst unterschiedlich. In einer Klinik seien Gefangenen Organe entnommen worden, die anschließend auf dem internationalen Schwarzmarkt an ausländische Kliniken verkauft worden seien.Im Januar 2011 bezog Marty erneut zu seinem Bericht Stellung und entschärfte seine Vorwürfe gegen Thaçi. p. 77.QKMF.

The first championship was held in 1991, with the participation of eight teams. Brill. The favourable Geo-strategic position, as well as abundant natural resources, were ideal for the development of life since the prehistoric periods, proven by hundreds of archaeological sites discovered and identified throughout Kosovo, which proudly present its rich archaeological heritage.The earliest traces documented in the territory of Kosovo belong to the In classical antiquity, the area of Kosovo was part of Dardania. Given that the Ottoman Empire's subjects were divided along religious (rather than ethnic) lines, Islamisation greatly elevated the status of Albanian chiefs. „Dunkles oder gewaschenes Geld macht einen großen Teil der Mittel für die UÇK aus“, hieß es. Podľa preambuly a článku 182 Ústavy Srbskej republiky a štatútu chráneného Rezolúciou Bezpečnostnej rady OSN č. JSTOR 621279.Madgearu, Alexandru; Gordon, Martin (2008). Kosovo (în albaneză Kosova; în scriere chirilică sârbă: Косово), oficial Republica Kosovo (în albaneză Republika e Kosovës; în sârbă: Република Косово / Republika Kosovo) este un stat parțial recunoscut și teritoriu disputat, situat în Peninsula Balcanică, în sud-estul Europei, care și-a autodeclarat independența față de Serbia în februarie 2008.
Claims to Kosovo: Nationalism and Self-Determination. The most noticeable Kosovo's hydrological resources are relatively small.