Exile portrays an individual caught between integration and loss of identity.German-Iranian Parvis’s life revolves around pop culture, Grindr dates and raves. When a chance encounter rekindles her libido, she does not hold back for long.New York in the 1980s. But to prevent the muddy ground from being pulled out from under their feet for profit, father and son must dig deep into it.Monkey repellers such as Anjani have an exceedingly tricky job in downtown New Delhi. This question imbues the 2020 Panorama. We present the trailer for the first feature by Greek director

Theirs is a loving family, but it soon transpires that the clan is engaged in criminal activities. Cidade Pássaro is an enigmatic exploration operating on several levels.Documentary meets genre cinema in this Western from today’s Lesotho, where modern pioneers of capitalism clash with local traditions, and aspiring Chinese merchants compete for supremacy with traditional Basotho cattle breeders.When Jonny visits his reclusive father Nikitas in his cabin in the woods after 20 years, the hermit ignores him. Where are the borders between one’s origins, homeland and the idea of home? It is addressed in many films, including the partly autobiographically inspired works of three German directors: Faraz Shariat’s Futur Drei (No Hard Feelings), Uisenma Borchu’s Schwarze Milch (Black Milk) and Visar Morina’s Exil (Exile). A female-driven exploration of family conflict fueled by affection and cut-throat ethics.A found footage film compiled from countless YouTube videos in which the people of Russia make a direct appeal to president Putin. A tender coming of age story about friendship and first love in a hostile environment.Iranian mother Pari’s search for her missing son in Athens will force her on a journey to the dark corners of the city, as well as into the hidden depths of her own self.The touching portrait of eight-year-old Sasha, who questions her gender and in doing so, evokes the sometimes disturbing reactions of a society that is still invested in a biological boy-girl way of thinking.In Uisenma Borchu’s second semi-autobiographical film, a young woman is searching for her roots and discovers an idiosyncratic, radical sensuality that not only transgresses Mongolian conventions but also those of the supposedly more liberal West.The creation and performance of Gisèle Vienne’s dance piece “Crowd” is exceptionally translated into cinematic language in this documentary of sensual tendencies. A kaleidoscope of the mood in the country – from submissive pleas to pure rage about injustice and rampant corruption.Set in a community of project houses, Iris, a young woman with a tough past, meets Renata and feels immediately attracted to her. Greek filmmaker Georgis Grigorakis' first feature is a contemporary western which will world-premiere in the Berlinale's Panorama section. Viennese folk singer Kurt Girk and his friend Alois Schmutzer discuss their lives in Vienna’s criminal milieu – for which they served long prison terms.A final binge in a closing bar on the edge of Las Vegas. With clear-sighted observation, the film allows us to share the familiarity between the regulars, creating the impression that we are sitting amongst them.Because he has not heard anything from his older brother Ikenna, musician Amadi travels from Nigeria to the metropolis of São Paulo. A sensitive film about first love and the life as a migrant in Germany.When Anja is diagnosed with a brain tumour, the everyday life of her patchwork family implodes and the cooling relationship between her and her partner Tomas is confronted with the new reality.Lisa Weber’s portrait of Claudia, who had a son when she was 15 and now lives together with him, her mother and her brother in Vienna, is an affectionate and gentle film about the passing of time and about what happens when seemingly nothing is happening.Ida moves in with her aunt and cousins following her mother’s death.