Political turnover may correlate with increased rates of violence, as standing modes of coexistence between public officials and criminal groups are undermined, spurring uncertainty amid a struggle for new arrangements (The deteriorating security situation also generated protest activity throughout the country, with demonstrations organized by human rights groups, feminist activists, and families of disappeared persons calling for justice and an end to the violence. Tens of thousands of troops were moved into the region (The events in J&K further soured India-Pakistan relations: in his speech at the UN General Assembly on 28 September 2019, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan criticized the Indian government’s perceived anti-Muslim agenda and alleged human rights violations in Kashmir. Major wars (10,000 or more combat related deaths in current or past year)Wars (1,000–9,999 battle related deaths in current or past year)Minor conflicts (100–999 battle related deaths in current or past year)Skirmishes and clashes (Fewer than 100 deaths in current or past year)Major wars (10,000 or more combat related deaths in current or past year)Wars (1,000–9,999 battle related deaths in current or past year)Minor conflicts (100–999 battle related deaths in current or past year)Skirmishes and clashes (Fewer than 100 deaths in current or past year)Data for African countries are based on ACLED, excluding riots/protests-related fatalitiesData for African countries are based on ACLED, excluding riots/protests-related fatalitiesData for African countries are based on ACLED, excluding riots/protests-related fatalitiesData for African countries are based on ACLED, excluding riots/protests-related fatalitiesData for African countries are based on ACLED, excluding riots/protests-related fatalitiesData for African countries are based on ACLED, excluding riots/protests-related fatalitiesBy noon of 2 September four ceasefire violations were registered with no further casualties on the Ukrainian side; the fire was returned on all occasions. These incidents culminated in an aerial battle between Indian and Pakistani forces, resulting in the downing of two aircraft in Pakistani territory, as well as the arrest of an Indian pilot by Pakistani troops. He holds a Master's degree in International Security at Sciences Po and BA degrees in Political Science and in Oriental Studies from the University of Vienna.Ameneh Mehvar is the United States Research Manager at ACLED. Dr. Kishi holds a PhD in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland with specializations in international relations and quantitative methodology. The plan calls for both sides to unify under a new government and to restructure the security sector, but it has yet to be implemented as clashes have continued. The first of these conflicts pits the Houthis — a Zaydi revivalist movement hailing from Yemen’s northern highlands that seized the capital Sana’a in 2014 — against the internationally recognised government, led by President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi. In Hodeidah province, a different network of Emirati-backed militias under the umbrella of the National Resistance Forces (NRF) has emerged. This section details armed conflict-related fatalities by country. Weeks of protests rallies held in Hawassa culminated in a successful referendum that determined Sidama as Ethiopia’s 10th semi-autonomous regional state. While its collapse in Nangarhar was a major setback, the group’s fighters remain active in Kunar and several other provinces. For three days, Iranian officials denied responsibility for the incident, before they admitted that the plane – which reportedly flew close to a military site near Tehran – was mistaken for an American cruise missile (Tensions first began to escalate in May 2018, when President Donald Trump announced the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), reinstating all sanctions that had been lifted as part of the nuclear accord. After the ousting of President Ali Abdullah, state protests began which initiated the war. Minor conflicts, 100–999 deaths in current or past calendar year Skirmishes and clashes, 10–99 deaths in current or past calendar year The following is a list of ongoing armed conflicts that are taking place around the world.