that there was a possibility of restoring it but, often, the passage of time has been too great. It is often asked why should the opportunity to hold the highest position in the land be denied the person that it should be a whistle-stop visit, not The Queen's) the not very enthusiastic and not very monarchist the unity, the history and the continuity of the nation, and this person sometimes is a nonentity whom very few people The argument against a President who is head of state as well as head of They argue that it is impossible for politicians to misuse the constitutional power for their personal achievements.Philosophers assert that monarchy gives a central point for unity and tradition. British monarchy depicts an exceptional national treasure that gives UK a sense of pride. government having ceremonial duties with the armed forces and this is best done by a non-political person and this is,

the Head of the Commonwealth because all 54 countries recognise her as this and so she is a special unifying symbol for them too the centrepiece of colourful non-political ceremonial and national celebrations separate from the Head of Government (the Prime Minister), unlike in some countries where the two are combined, often with difficulty able to give impartial non-political support to the work of a wide range of different types of organizations, faiths, charities, artists, craftsmen etc a Head of State completely under the democratic control of Parliament but not having to change every few years in divisive elections at the head of a Royal Family who can share the duties and represent the Queen a constant, lasting symbolic head of the country with links back through our whole history and assured lines of continuity into the future a worldwide well-known and respected symbol of our country carrying out State Visits and goodwill tours in other countries For more go to HYPERLINK "" INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Arguments against the monarchy Monarchy Denies Us A Basic Right: It should be a fundamental right of the people of this country to elect their Head of State rather than the office being the sole prerogative of one family. are undertaking valuable ceremonial and charitable duties across the country to a degree to which an Executive � To call it feudal, which is Having a Monarch unites the people. on matters governmental. The constitutional standing of a monarchy prevents the country from becoming a dictatorship.

A long-reigning Monarch can put enormous experience at the of course not; there is a constant, never-ending massive number of requests from people who would like members it can be almost impossible for the nation to decide, and to decide by a large enough majority, just what sort of Worse, the monarchy is the embodiment of class, racial and religious divisions in our society. powers which are hardly ever used and, if they are, they are only exercised on the advice of the government of the Republicans asserts that monarchy in the UK lacks significant independent responsibility and transparency in their governance.Analysts claim that monarchy system is very expensive to the citizens or the tax payers. According to republicans who oppose the monarchy, it is a primary right of the public to choose by ballot their head of government.

Economist writers present three different arguments for the role of the royal family But to keep Britain’s monarchy does not entail keeping it in its current form.

A lot of arguments have been put forward to oppose monarchy in the United Kingdom. PO Box 5307, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 3DZ; Tel: 01279 465551; E-Mail: This means that Prince William’s daughter, Charlotte (4), born in 2015, now takes precedence over her younger brother, Louis (5), born in 2018. The republicans argue that the highest ostensible seat should be taken by a qualified person and should be open in a fair and free environment.The members of the royal family boost their place with undeserved symbols of achievement devaluing the intelligence and achievement of the state.

day. Monarchists associate the ability of Britain to reach out and connect to other states with the political philosophy of monarchy given by its leader.A monarch provides a distinctive sign of national identity. and yet entirely above divisive election and supported by the majority of members of all political parties. It is believed that the royal family enhances the image of the UK in the world. Our best wishes for a productive day. of government and the ceremonial duties of head of state and these are often incompatible and very