The drawing area is in the middle. Whether you’re new to or diagramming, the materials are there to help you create professional looking diagrams, quickly and easily.A diagram can be created within any Confluence page, provided you have permission to edit the page. automatically saves the state of a diagram. Our “Exercises/Step-by-Step Guides” will allow you to go through the process of diagramming at your own pace.» Still need help or got any questions? Everything located here is visible in the diagram on the Confluence page after saving. Tutorials. This includes the date and time of the change, as well as the user who made the change. Double click on a connection and enter your text.You can also add text anywhere in the drawing area (outside of objects and connections). You can see the current zoom status in the toolbar.The control panels are divided into three sections.First is a horizontal toolbar above the drawing area. Click the drop down menu in the toolbar with the plus icon (“+”), then click on “ diagram”.If “ diagram” is not directly in this menu, click on “Other macros” and enter “draw” in the search field at the top right of the dialog.Tip: You can also use the curly bracket shortcut: “{draw” (Windows: “Alt Shift” + “7”, Mac: “Alt” + “8”).If you want to quickly create a similar diagram, using templates or existing diagrams can help. The shapes in the symbol library are categorized. If you don’t have the correct permissions for a specific page, you will not be able to find any diagram that is on that page, even when you search for can be inserted like any other macro, using the macro browser. If you mistakenly click “Exit”, you can access and restore your changes when you insert a new diagram.Click “File” > “Save” in the menu to save a diagram without exiting you save a diagram for the first time, a filename for the diagram is generated. Double click on an empty area, or select “Text” from the library.Text inside of an object wraps automatically. To proportionally resize an object, hold down the “Shift” key as you move the points.Click on the rotate symbol to rotate the object in the desired direction.To more accurately scale or rotate an object, use the Shape Format panel on the right hand side when the object is selected. When you select an object, you can customize the display, the included text, or the arrangement and size in the format panel. Write to us with your questions or comments. Video Tutorials Our comprehensive collection of video tutorials will get you up and running quickly. You can then connect the ends of the connectors to the connection points on any of the objects within your diagram.Click on the blue arrow at the bottom of an object to duplicate it and its content (shape, color, size), and automatically connect the duplicated object to the original. In case you’re new to, why not take a look at our playlist of videos especially curated for beginners?

It is important to start in an empty space in the drawing area, and ensure that the frame completely surrounds all of the objects you want to select.If you want to change the color of all symbols and lines, select them as above, then select the color you want to use.Tip: If you have made a mistake, you can undo your changes using the undo arrow in the toolbar at any time.To scale an object (make it smaller or larger), you can simply move any of the 8 blue points on the object. – Have a quick chat with our support team. When you click on a diagram in edit mode, a toolbar is displayed either above or below the diagram.The following options are available on this toolbar:In this video you will learn how to use the control panels and navigate within the editor. When you hover over a connection point, it will be highlighted green, so you know you are in the right position.To insert a connector from the symbol library, click on the connection you want to use., then drag and drop it from the library into position on the drawing area. You can create a copy of a template by clicking the “Copy” button. We’d love to hear from you!

You can restore older versions of a diagram from the page history.It’s vitally important that a diagram’s version history is stored within Confluence to Importing all existing Gliffy diagrams within Confluence is easy using the Aside from the contact form, we are always available to you via e-mail. Video Tutorials Interactive Tutorials Sometimes learning as you go is the best way (formerly is free online diagram software.

Our step-by-step guides take the guess work out and give you the tools to directly and efficiently set up the diagrams you need, no fuss. Whether you are new to and diagramming or are an advanced user that needs a refresher, there are tutorials for everyone. Our comprehensive collection of video tutorials will get you up and running quickly. Click the drop down menu in the toolbar with the plus icon (“+”), then click on “ diagram”. lässt sich kostenlos als Freeware in einem aktuellen Browser wie Firefox oder Google Chrome nutzen, der JavaScript unterstützt. Flowchart Maker and Online Diagram Software. It is important that the mouse cursor is over one of the selected objects when you move them.When the objects are close to each other, you can select them by clicking, holding the mouse button down, and ‘drawing’ a frame around all of the objects. For example, you don’t have to select both the object and text individually before moving the object.Similarly, you can add text to any connection. In the current release, you can not change a diagram’s filename within Confluence after it has been created.After saving a diagram, it can be edited at any time – click on the diagram, and then click on “Edit” in the toolbar.In view mode, you can display a larger version of the diagram by clicking on it (zoom in, zoom out). For example, different tools are displayed when you are working with text compared to when you are working with objects.Similarly, the format panel contents change depending on the context.