He told Secondly, the lack of democracy is illustrated in the way [the family] behaves. As she long ago said on the occasion of her 21st birthday in 1947, “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family.” Only in death will her service to her now Commonwealth peoples come to an end.That is, unless people in Britain, or Canada, or the other Commonwealth realms, those countries recognizing the British monarch as their head of state, decide to abolish the monarchy prior to or at the point of the Queen’s death. The idea that they are more popular now than ever isn't supported by the facts.Most people are fairly apathetic and indifferent about the royal family.

They see the royal family as nepotistic, corrupt and undemocratic.But they face an apathetic audience.

We elect both houses of parliament and get rid of all the unelected lords [in the U.K. parliament's upper house]. In Canada, no Canadian can ever aspire to become Canada’s head of state because that position is guaranteed, by law, to reside in the hands of the senior-most member of the House of Windsor, Britain’s royal family.Only in death will her service to her now Commonwealth peoples come to an end.So, there has long been talk amongst Canadian republicans, those who wish to abolish the monarchy within Canada, to do just that. Graham Smith has been campaigning against the royal family for more than a decade. It's not a sustainable argument.Secondly, the evidence just isn't there. It's not harmless, it's not powerless.Well firstly, this is about our democracy and our constitution.

But when they start talking and listening and thinking about the issues, they're ready to listen.It isn't a marginalized minority—it's a very substantial minority who over the last 10 to 15 years have found a very clear voice. In some circumstances a constitutional president is able to perform an independent role. "The monarchy is not fit for purpose. Over the last few days he's been talking about We do Freedom of Information requests and investigate these issues and try and dig out the truth of what's actually going on, to try and challenge a lot of the spin.William and Harry, for example, lobby and get involved in issues and so on that they shouldn't be. The group Citizens for a Canadian Republic, the leading republican organization in this country has called upon the federal government to hold a referendum on abolishing the monarchy in this country and, once it passes, to establish a made-in-Canada head of state position, with an eminent Canadian finally in the highest role.Sounds easy but, as I always tell my students, beware people selling simple solutions to complex problems.

There's this thing called The upshot of that is that laws usually exempt him or the Duchy of Cornwall, so that he's not faced with the same restrictions that everyone else is.Charles also speaks out on a whole range of issues.

It carries on.In the U.S., people complain about President Donald Trump being nepotistic and so on.

The republican movement in Britain has announced it will campaign to make the case for holding a referendum on the future of the British monarchy after the Queen's death. They are patrons of things but they're not hands-on. Actually, it's a part of our constitution—it's not just some kind of hereditary left-over. Today the group claims a 70,000-strong following.Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Louis of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, Queen Elizabeth ll, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace following Trooping the Colour on June 08, 2019 in London, England.

The thing is we've gotten used to it—we hide our corruption in plain sight.Giving jobs and national awards to the family—it's day-to-day routine for the royals.Major events since Kate and William's wedding—births, jubilees and so on, right up until last year—have helped us enormously in terms of motivating people to come and join us and support us and getting us on the news and challenging the spin.People are fairly indifferent to the whole thing and probably getting a little bit tired of it.

1 being least likely, and 10 being most likely You know we've looked at the evidence. Find out more and join The group wants to replace the Queen with an elected head of state. Most people in the U.K., Smith readily admits, don't really care about the royal family. [The family] abuse their public position to influence government and lobby for their own interests.And it's also a central part of the U.K.'s constitution, which is deeply flawed. He helms British anti-monarchy pressure group Republic, which he says boasts some 70,000 supporters.Republic has one goal: to achieve "the abolition of the British monarchy in favor of a democratic republic. But on the whole most people in this country are willing to listen to the debate.I've been on the street with some of our local members, and you know, people will start off instinctively going "Why would you want to get rid of the Queen?" If famous people want to do that sort of thing they can do it regardless of whether they are part of a constitution or not.Basically what we have but democratic. As I wrote previously, while the Queen has been delegating more of her royal duties to her eldest son, she will neither retire, nor abdicate the throne. What impact would getting rid of the monarchy have?Next to nothing. If he asks for them to come see him they will do so.He also has direct power over legislation that affects him privately. They're not making a huge effort to promote these charities, and these charities will function just fine without them.It's not to say none of it is relevant or useful.

The monarchy will endure in this country and in due course we will witness the advent of the reign of King Charles III. Founded in 1983 as a niche group with only a handful of members, Republic was officially incorporated as a campaign group in 2006.